Terms of Service

General Terms

you are using the Site, or Services, you are contracting with Dealo FZ-LLC. with respect to use of the Dealo Site, Application or Services. Dealo provides an online platform that connects Suppliers who produce or trade goods, products, commodities, by-products or physical assets, with buyers who request for quotations and supplier information (collectively, the "Services"), which Services are accessible at https://www.dealo.io and any other websites through which Dealo makes the Services available (collectively, the "Site") and as applications for mobile devices (the "Application"). By using the Site or Application, you agree to comply with and be legally bound by the terms and conditions of these Terms of Service ("Terms"), whether or not you become a registered user of the Services. These Terms govern your access to and use of the Site, Application and Services and all Collective Content (defined below), and your participation in the Referral Program (defined below) and constitute a binding legal agreement between you and Dealo. Please also read carefully our Privacy Policy at https://www.dealo.io/privacy. If you do not agree to these terms, you have no right to obtain information from or otherwise continue using the Site, Application or Services. Failure to use the Site, Application or Services in accordance with these Terms may subject you to civil and criminal penalties.

  • Supplier registration

Please note: As a seller, you will be able to supply items for sale at the same time that you share your corporate documents, however, your products will not be viewable by potential buyers until your documents have been verified by Dealo. 1.1 You may not access or use Dealo and may not accept these terms if you are not at least 21 years, or are not permitted to receive any services under the laws of the United Arab Emirates or any jurisdiction in which you are a resident or citizen. 

1.2 You must register as a supplier and have a user account on dealo.io to use its services. 

1.3 Whether you are registering as a buyer or seller (or both), you must own a licensed business. 

1.4 To become verified as a supplier, you must provide the following documentation: Trade License (or Commercial Register, as applicable) State-issued ID of the Owner or Manager on the license (for example, Emirates ID or passport page) VAT Registration Certificate (if applicable) Power of Attorney and personal ID (for company representatives who are not listed on the license, if applicable) 

1.5 Dealo has the right to reject the creation of a user account for any reason 

1.6 When you use any Dealo service or send e-mails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. We will communicate with you electronically in a variety of ways, such as by e-mail, text, in-app push notices or by posting e-mail messages or communications on dealo.io or through our Message Center. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing, unless applicable laws specifically require a different form of communication. 

1.7 By supplying any product, information, or content (“Content”) on deal.io, you grant an irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, and sub-licensable license to Dealo to use the Content in any form, media, or technology in any manner and for any purpose. 

1.8 By registering as a user, you acknowledge that Dealo may launch, change, upgrade, impose conditions on, suspend or stop any services or features without prior notice.

  • Terms and conditions of sale, delivery, and payment

Vendor and contracting partner 

Your contracting partner for all orders made through our website is 

FAMC3454 Compass Building, Al Shohada Road, 
AL Hamra Industrial Zone-FZ, Ras Al Khaimah, 
United Arab Emirates

Email: info@dealo.io 
Web: www.dealo.io 
Management Board: Ranjula Jayawardena (co-CEO), Rashmi Shanaz (co-CEO) 
Chair of the Supervisory Board: Dilshan Gunasekara
VAT ID no.: 
Commercial register: AL Hamra Industrial Zone-FZ, Ras Al Khaimah

  • Buyer registration

3.1. Registration is required in order to make purchases online. This can be done during the ordering process, but also independently of an order. After the registration has been completed, we will set up an account for you, which you can use to manage your customer data, such as the address for delivery, yourself. 

3.2. Only individuals of legal age with the capacity to enter into contracts (but not, for example, families or couples), legal entities, and business partnerships may register. This requirement also applies to the placing of orders. If a company is registered as a customer, the individual performing the registration guarantees that they are authorised to represent the company. 

3.3. When registering your account, you must provide your name, your invoice and delivery address, your phone number, and your email address and choose a password (hereinafter “login data”). 

3.4. You submit a binding offer for the conclusion of the contract relating to the account registration by submitting the completed registration form. You will be shown a summary of the data you have entered before the final submission of the registration form. You can correct errors by navigating back to the previous page in the browser and changing your entries. 

3.5. After you have completed the registration procedure, we will send you a welcome email. Receipt of this email completes the account registration. 

3.6. You guarantee that the information you have provided to us in the context of the registration is true and complete. If you provide incorrect or incomplete information, we are authorised to terminate and delete your account without observing a period of notice. You commit to communicating all future changes to the information provided in the context of your registration without prompting and without delay. 

3.7. The account can be terminated in accordance with section 5. Your personal data will then be deleted immediately unless we are allowed to or required to continue to store them due to statutory provisions. More details can be found in our privacy policy. 

3.8. Under no circumstances are you authorised to disclose your login data or, in particular, your login password to third parties. In the event that a third party nevertheless obtains access to your account or there are other indications of abuse of your account, you must inform us immediately and change your login data. 

3.9. There is no entitlement to register or use the services. You are not authorised to register on www.dealo.io multiple times.

  • Concluding a purchase contract

4.1. Contracts for purchasing products are concluded as follows: 

4.1.1. In order to commence the ordering process, you are required to first request quotation for the article you would like to purchase by submitting the relevant information. 

4.1.2. Before placing the order, you can request for more quotations for the same product with negotiating the price, moq and packaging, all the contents of the order are displayed once you accept a quotation. You can then change your order again. We save your orders after the contract is concluded but it is no longer possible for you to access them. Please check your order carefully before clicking on the "Confirm order" button. 

4.1.3. In the case of payment methods that are not associated with immediate payment on your part, you make a binding offer to conclude a purchase contract by clicking the "Confirm order" button in the user portal window screen. The placing of products in the website is not a binding offer to conclude a contract. We will confirm receipt of the order by email. The confirmation email does not yet mean that we have accepted your offer. The purchase contract is concluded only when shipment of the goods is confirmed. If you pay for the order placed by making an (electronic) SEPA credit transfer of the purchase price to our bank account, only the email confirmation of the order is deemed to be our declaration of acceptance of the order, not our confirmation of the shipment. 

4.1.4. In the case of payment methods that are associated with immediate payment on your part (such as PayPal, Stripe, etc.), the placing of the products on www.dealo.io constitutes an offer by us. You can accept this offer to conclude a purchase contract by clicking the "Confirm order" button in the website portal. 

4.2. You can print out your order data immediately after you submit your order. If you wish to inspect the documents concerning your order again, please contact us by email or telephone. We will be happy to send you a copy of these data. 

4.3. Orders can be changed before they leave our warehouse or before they are handed over to a freight forwarder, i.e. before we issue a shipment number and confirm shipment of the goods by email. This does not affect your statutory guarantee rights or your cancellation rights. 

4.4. We also reserve the right to cancel the contract if the goods are not available from a reliable, carefully-selected supplier for reasons for which we are not culpably responsible (reservation of self-delivery). In such cases, we will undertake to inform you immediately that the goods are not available and reimburse any payment made.

  • Term, blocking, and termination of the account

5.1. The contract for account registration is concluded for an indefinite period. 

5.2. You may terminate the contract for account registration at any time without notice. 

5.3. We may duly terminate the contract for account registration with two weeks' notice. 

5.4. The right to terminate the account with good reason remains unaffected. In particular, we may terminate the contract for account registration without notice if: - you provide incorrect or incomplete details at registration - you repeatedly breach other contractual obligations and continue to breach them in spite of being called upon by us to refrain from doing so; 

5.5. If we have terminated the contract, you will not be entitled to create a new account again, including under another name or designation. 

5.6. All notice of termination must be given in writing. Terminations by email are considered as being given in writing.

  • Warranties

6.1. Unless otherwise stipulated below, your rights in cases of material defects and defects of title are covered by the provisions of the law. 

6.2. Warranty rights for new items expire for consumers within two years. In the case of used items, they will expire within one year following the transfer of risk. 

6.3. If a warranty claim is submitted, you will be entitled to choose to assert your right to have the defect remedied or to have defect-free goods delivered (subsequent performance). If the manner of subsequent performance selected incurs disproportionately high costs, the claim will be restricted to the remaining type of subsequent performance. We will inform you of this as appropriate. 

6.4. If you claim installation and/or dismantling costs with regard to the replacement at a garage of a new part supplied by us as a result of liability for material defects, we would ask you to submit the original invoices, receipts etc., as the garage services will be reimbursed by us if the warranty claim is accepted. Please make sure that the invoice only shows work that is directly connected with remedying the defect (i.e. no external services on the invoice). Furthermore, the cost of labour should show a breakdown of the number of hours worked. 

6.5. In the case of business customers, liability for defects for used items is ruled out. This will not apply to gross negligence or intent. For new items, warranty rights will expire within a year following transfer of risk.
  • Purely for the purposes of clarity, we wish to point out that the following circumstances do not justify or constitute material defects if they are the cause of the defect: - natural wear and tear; - improper use; - inadequate or incorrect care of the goods; - unsuitable or improper use; - incorrect installation, in particular if the product ordered is clearly not the right one; - failure to observe instructions for use; - incorrect treatment/handling.

  • Manufacturer's guarantee

If there is a separate manufacturer's guarantee to which you may have recourse along with the warranty, this will be shown in each product description. This guarantee applies only to the specific product and your claims will be based on the guarantee conditions of the manufacturer and addressed to this manufacturer only.

Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

These Terms are governed by and construed according to the laws and regulations of the United Arab Emirates as applied in the Emirate of Dubai. Any dispute, difference, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with these Terms, including any question regarding its existence, validity, interpretation, performance, discharge and applicable remedies, will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Dubai Courts. If you have any questions regarding these Terms, please Contact Us

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